Sunday, 24 February 2013

Operation Smile: The Smile Concert '13

On January the 26th, the Operation Smile club at ISK, along with the Composers' Club, held our 2nd annual Smile Concert. The club had been organizing the logistics of this concert for almost two months before this, and we were all very excited when the time finally came to have the concert. We had taken everything we learnt from the first Operation Smile concert that we held last year, and used it to make this concert as good as we could. We decided to make the theme of the concert "New Years'", and sold New Years' resolutions accordingly. We also sold Operation Smile shirts and hats at the concert so as to collect extra funds. The Composers' Club members had been working very hard to perfect their pieces, and were also very excited when it was finally their chance to perform.

The concert was a huge success. The Composers' Club songs were great, and everyone who attended the concert had an amazing time. I was also very proud of all of the Operation Smile club members' who helped out, as they showed determination to make the concert special. We managed to raise nearly 2,000 dollars, which can pay for 8 surgeries! I hope that next year, the new Operation Smile club Presidents will carry on having these annual concerts, as they are a great and enjoyable way to raise lots of funds for OSMIK.

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