Friday, 6 April 2012

M.U.N Conference

From the 13th to the 17th of February, the East African M.U.N conference was held at the United Nations offices here in Kenya. I was representing the Ukraine as a member of the Human Rights committee. In this 5 day conference, I had the opportunity to meet students from schools around East Africa, and we were able to have some very strong debates on various current human rights issues, ranging from chid trafficking to the legalization of drugs.
I enjoyed this conference a lot more than the one I participated in last year. This is because I found the resolutions that we debated to be of a much higher quality, and it was clear that the students who wrote them had taken a great deal of time to research their topic thoroughly. I also had the opportunity to contribute much more than last year, and I believe that I raised some interesting issues that the other participants had a good time discussing and debating. I usually take some time to get over the fear of talking in front of large audiences and sharing my ideas, but I found that the more I did this at the conference, the more comfortable it became, and the more I enjoyed it!
Although I had a lot of fun during this one week and learned a lot from people who were my own age, this is unfortunately the last year that I will be participating in the EA M.U.N. Throughout the six years that I have been a part of this program, I have made friends who have the same interests as me, and have had 5 full weeks of quality debate about various world issues. This has been an experience that I will never forget!

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