Friday, 6 April 2012


I am now about 3/4 done with the piano book that I have been using. I have been able to master over 20 pieces, and my teacher and I are very happy with the progress that I have made. I feel that I am a much more technical piano player now, as I have learned new scales and techniques that I did not know before. I also enjoy the piano more and more the better I become at playing it, and it makes me sad that in about one and a half years, I might not have the opportunity to play, as I will be in university!
I find it difficult to squeeze in practice time these past few months, as the IB work load becomes heavier. I have managed to practice at least 2 hours per week, though, and although this is not an ideal amount of time, it is the best I can currently do! As long as I continue to improve, I am happy with the amount of time that I have to play.
I hope to be able to perform next year, as this will give me exposure, and hopefully help me to overcome my fear of performing in front of an audience. I believe that it would be an enjoyable experience, and so I really hope that I will manage to do it!

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